What is Biomimicry?

In the briliance of nature which has spent billions of years engineering its way out of challenges through adaptation and evolution while producing some marvels, …

Blog  Dibyak Kapali

What is Laffer Curve?

Ever wondered about the relationship between rates of taxation and tax revenues? The iconic Laffer curve illustrates this intuitive relationship compellingly. Laffer Curve a bell-curve …

Blog  the_farsight

The limitations of GDP

Gross Domestic Output (GDP) the single statistical measure obtained through a complex process of compressing large data of economic activities is considered the worlds most …

Blog  the_farsight

Government issuing debentures worth Rs 10 billion, again

This fiscal year (2023/24) the government has announced an expenditure plan (budget) of Rs 1.75 trillion, among which it will raise Rs 1.24 trillion in …

News  the_farsight

What are ‘Non-Performing Loans’ and ‘Loan Loss Provision’?

Non-performing loans (NPLs), also known as bad loans, are loans that are in default or at the risk of defaulting when they are not serviced …

Blog  the_farsight

What is polarity in international relations?

In International Relations, polarity refers to the distribution of power among states in the global system which can be categorised into three main types: unipolarity, …

Blog  the_farsight

‘Water scarcity’ and economic concepts that shape decisions on resource allocation

Individuals, businesses, and societies make decisions on an everyday basis that determine how resources are allocated in various economic scenarios, from personal finance choices and …

Blog  the_farsight

Creative Destruction

The concept creative destruction refers to the innovation and technological development process that fuels economic growth by routinely substituting outmoded businesses, goods, or services with …

Blog  Dibyak Kapali

Unintended consequences

A notable concept in social science unintended consequences refers to the unforeseen outcomes or results that arise as a result of actions, decisions, or policies, …

Blog  Dibyak Kapali

Bank Runs

A bank run occurs when a significant group of depositors, all attempt to withdraw their money at the same time with a concern that their …

Blog  Dibyak Kapali

Polluters must pay

The notion polluters must pay implies that the one who is responsible for causing pollution or environmental harm should be obliged to bear the costs …

Blog  Dibyak Kapali

What is Pareto's Principle?

The Pareto principle proposes that for many outcomes about 80% of consequences result from 20% of causes asserting an uneven relationship between inputs and outputs. …

Blog  Dibyak Kapali
